Christmas poinsettias at the Botanic Park


Excited to usher in the holiday season, Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park Horticulturist, Nick Johnson says:

“This is the natural form of Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). The potted varieties are specifically bred to be short and are generally grown under lights and glass to get them ready en-mass for people to enjoy at Christmas. 

Here at the park, we prune them twice a year and keep our fingers crossed that they colour up at the right time!”

The Botanic Park is open daily from 9:00am – 5:30pm.

Admission is $5 for adults. Senior Citizens and children under 12 can enter free of charge.

Last admission at 4:30 pm (Closed on Good Friday & Christmas Day).

NOTE: Guided tours are available Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:00 pm. Must book in advance.

For more information call (345) 947-9462 or email


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